| P&E Plumbing and Building Maintenance Inc. |
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Rates and Payment Terms 收费标准 及 支付条款
1. Repair fees for all types start as low as $189, $268 for commercial client; 1. 所有类型维修费低至$189起,商业单位$268起;
2. Most of heating and cooling equipment's installation and alternation are offered by a flat fee after estimation. It depends on the equipments class, job's difficulty degree, job location, payment term and customers coordination degree of the project;
2. 冷暖设备的安装或者更新换代在实地评估之后给出一个固定的价格,估价的高低取决于该项目采用的设备的档次,安装的难易程度,客户地理位置,支付条款以及客户的配合度;
3. As is well known, each equipment repair can be considered a unique case that requires a tailored approach, making it difficult to set a fixed price. Therefore, the first step is to visit the site to identify the cause of the malfunction and then provide the customer with the best possible repair plan and quote based on the actual situation. However, finding the cause of the malfunction is sometimes not easy, so in addition to the basic fee mentioned in the first item, the subsequent labor costs are calculated at a minimum of $79 per half-hour;
If the customer prefers a fixed price, the total repair cost can be confirmed before starting the work. However, if the customer deliberately withholds details that lead to a pricing error, the customer will be responsible for bearing the relevant costs;
4. We are pleased to offer emergency repair services (see note 1), same-day repair services (see note 2), and statutory holiday repair services. However, additional charges may apply.
5, Accept payment by cheque, cash, bank draft and EMT, other payment methods are negotiable. 5, 接受支票,现金,银行汇票和EMT付款,其他付款方式另议。
6. All appointments must confirmed via text message, WeChat, or email. We take our customers’ needs more seriously than our own affairs, never treating them lightly, and they are firmly scheduled into our work schedule, come rain or shine. Consequently, customers may not cancel or change an appointment within 24 hours of the agreed-upon time; otherwise, a compensation fee of $90 Late Cancellation Fee will be charged. 6. 所有预约以短信、微信或者电子邮件为准。我们把客户的需求看得比自己家的事情还重要,绝对不会当儿戏,而且都排进订单行程里去了,风雨无阻。所以相对的,客户在约定好的时间的24小时内不得取消或者更改预约,否则应支付$90紧急取消费作为补偿。
7. If our technician cannot enter customer's property due to customer's reasons, the technician can wait outside the door but never exceed half an hour, or you will be charged a $189 compensation. 7. 如果由于客户主观原因导致我公司技术人员无法按时进入其住宅的,我公司技术人员可在门外等待但最多不能超过半小时。否则应支付$189作为补偿。
8. We believe that none of our customers will intentionally default on payments. However, if you are unable to make immediate payment after the completion of repairs or installation due to special circumstances, please inform us in advance; Our Process for Handling Clients with Malicious Defaults (Click to View Details)
8, 我们相信每位客户都不会恶意拖欠货款。但如果客户您由于某种特殊情况,而不能在维修或者安装完毕之后立即付款的,请预先告诉我们这个情况。我们对恶意欠款的处理办法(点击进入查看详情)
9. The membership fee is $79/month (billed annually), especially suitable for situations where the property owner is not in Canada; The privileges for members include: 6 free on-site inspections per year (limited to the same address), a 10% discount on repair fees, a 3% discount on material costs, and a free annual boiler maintenance (labor fees waived only).Please send your membership application to ADMIN@PE2009.COM. We will respond within 5 business days.
9, 会员费用$79/月(按年支付费用),特别适合房东不在加拿大的情况;会员的特权有:每年6次免费上门检查(仅限同一处地址),维修费10%折扣,材料费3%折扣,免费接受每年一次的锅炉保养(仅免人工费)。会员申请请发送EMAIL到ADMIN@PE2009.COM,我们会在5个工作日回复。
The terms above will be implemented from December 1, 2019
All prices are subject to 5% GST. 以上价格均需另交5%国税;
Notes: 1. The Emergency Service: arrival of customer's home: within one hour, between 5:00pm and 9:00am on Monday through Friday, or on holidays. The 59min™ is our reliable emergency-service trademark; 2. The Same-Day Service: we will arrive customer's home on the same day when the call received before 2:00pm on workdays; a call received after 2:00pm, we will arrive before next workday 10am.
备注 1. 紧急维修:接到客户电话一小时内达到; 或者是正常工作时段(周一到周五9点到5点)以外,或节假日。59min™是我们的紧急服务注册商标; 2. 当天服务: 如果在工作日内下午两点之前接到电话,可以当天上门维修。如果是两点之后接到电话,我们将在接下来的工作日的上午10点前到达客户家里。
Click here for details if you are a Property Management Company. 如果您是一家房产管理公司,请点击这里查看详情。